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Create a Studio with Us


We have a unique offering for some special GoYogis.


We are looking for people to invest in a studio and take the GoYoga Brand forwards. Personality is key. We are looking for sparky, smart and excited franchisees.


1. Create a Community of Yogis

2. Make a beautiful space.

3. Generate an income with your passion!


for further info mail us at




Here's what one of our students says:-


"In life we are inspired by others, those with a real character and spirit, those which touch us or leave us yearning for more.       This is how I felt when I came to practice at Go Yoga with my teacher Sophie Bickerdike.    When I signed up to do the teacher training course I had no idea what to expect, my love of yoga and how it had changed my life was real and a passion to delve deeper and share that with others was key but the uncertainty of what I was about to take on made me excited and nervous at the same time.

This is a life changing teacher training course.    Not only do you immerse yourself into a challenging path of daily asana and posture practice, studying the physical side of anatomy and breath that you would expect, delving into the Sanskrit and Yoga philiosophy has been something truly life changing for me, something you have to study, question, doubt, embody and live.

The support of the teachers is quite amazing and the spirit and community feel you share with your peers is overwhelming, you really are nurtured all the way.

As Yogi Bhajan says “for me yoga is not a workout, its all about working on oneself”.

Come and join in the fun and be truly inspired yourself.     Namaste. 




“Our training school has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance UK, demonstrating that our courses are of the highest standard and that our graduates may use the title 'Registered Yoga Teacher' RYT as a sign of quality training.”

Contact Sophie


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