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Meet our clients: Laura Hampson

Say hello to our lovely Laura next time you see her in class!

We love spending time with our clients and finding out why they love Go Yoga Harrogate so much!

Earlier today, we grabbed Laura Hampson for a few minutes to find out about her yoga routine, why she enjoys it and how it has benefitted her life so far.

Hey Laura, how are you doing today?

I’m great thank you! How are you?

We are feeling great, thanks for asking! So, when was the last time you came and visited us at Go Yoga?

I came on Tuesday night for Trudy’s Go Glow class. I usually come once or twice a week.

When did you first start coming to Go Yoga?

It was about two years ago - I was addicted after my first class!

Had you done any yoga before that?

Yes, I’d done a few different classes before I joined. But, I never felt like I’d found classes that really pushed me to improve. I’m really glad I decided to give Go Yoga a try as I’ve never looked back since! 

Why did you decide to introduce yoga into your life in the first place?

A few reasons - I wanted to improve my flexibility, strength and fitness. But I also wanted to practice yoga to help calm my mind and let go of any thoughts or worries. I’ve found that yoga is the best way to relieve stress and anxiety.

Do you do any other form of exercise apart from yoga?

I try to keep fit with HIIT workouts in the gym and long dog walks!

What do you like about Go Yoga in relation to other studios?

The teachers. They really are amazing. They’ve taught me so much and helped me to achieve difficult postures I never thought possible. (Shout out to Mandy for getting me into crow - you’re a miracle worker!)

Also, I love the studio! It has such a relaxing atmosphere with the lovely lights and heaters - which many studios don’t have.

What has been your favourite Go Yoga moment so far?

It’s hard to pinpoint one moment, as you have loads of feel-good moments when you achieve something new!

I guess a time that sticks in my mind is getting into bird of paradise after months of trying... perseverance got me there in the end! 

What advice would you give to anyone who is thinking about starting Go Yoga?

Do it! You won’t just benefit physically, but mentally too. 

Describe Go Yoga in three words

Fun, friendly and energetic! 

Thanks Laura, have a great day and we will see you in class again very soon x


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