Having practised yoga for almost 8 years, Sophie trained to be a yoga teacher and now teaches Vinyasa at our studio in Harrogate.
We managed to grab her for ten minutes after her class to ask a few questions about her yoga journey so far....
Sophie, How long have you been practising yoga for?
I’ve been practicing yoga since studying for my degree nearly 8 years ago. Yoga was initially a way for me to keep fit for free as a student!
Why did you decide to become a yoga teacher?
I decided initially to train as a yoga teacher to develop my personal practice. Whilst I was undertaking my training, I started teaching an Ashtanga class for Sophie - the rest is history!
What does yoga mean to you?
Yoga to me is very simple, it’s about being present.
Can you sum up your teaching style in 3 words?
Mindful, fluid, balanced.
How do you want your students to feel after a lesson?
I want them to feel relaxed, de-stressed and like they are ready to take on the rest of their week.
Do you have a favourite yoga pose?
My favourite pose is Astavakrasana, or eight-angle pose. It’s great fun and not as hard as it looks.
What does your average day look like?
My average day will see me rising bright and early, I’ll have a nourishing breakfast and go for a brisk walk to clear my head before starting my day at work. On my lunch break I’ll always try to get out again for some fresh air. After work I’ll spend some time practicing yoga, going for a run or a walk after cooking dinner. I try to go to sleep at a reasonable time and before bed I’ll write in my journal.
What has been your defining yoga moment so far?
I wouldn’t say I’ve had a “defining moment”. For me, yoga is less about achievement and more about experience.
What would be your advice to people who have never tried yoga before?
Have an open mind and no expectations, go with the flow and try to experience rather than set goals.
What times do you teach at Go Yoga Harrogate?
My regular class is Go Beginners & Improvers Vinyasa on a Wednesday evening at 8.15pm